Friday, January 25, 2008

The Smell

Our community center has a drop off hourly day care for use when your attending other activities, volunteering at the school, and working out. So, last night when we made it for the additional New Years Resolution sweatfest, we walked in the room to drop off the girls, and shisaster! That's the only word that describes the intense, door shut for too long, something rotting in someone's drawers smell that was not even wafting (it was so thick, it couldn't waft), it was like we walked into a brick wall of stench. I say to the gal in charge, can you smell that? She says a little bit, we're getting a hold of the dad to come change it. I said, a little bit, she said yeah, why, is it bad? I looked at her and burst into laughter. It's beyond bad, it's offensively wrong! We may not be allowed back in there, the jury's still out.
My spouse has a 24/7 on call til hell freezes over kind of job. When the alarm, his phone, and our dog went off at 5am this morning, I moaned like a beached whale and rolled over. The noise continues, I get up. He starts working on some kind of end of the world solution to whatever it is he does and I am going about the morning business of coffee, breakfast, and kid management. Things settled down a little bit, I come in to where he is to check my email, and I start to eavesdrop on his conversation. I hear him on the phone with his buddy, whom he had to drag out of bed and into the office to solve this brain surgery problem, unshowered. He has his super genius friend on speaker and he says, I guess I should go get showered now. My husband says, yeah, we don't want you stinkin' up the office all day, and tells him the diaper gone bad story. His bud responds with my new quote of the day: There's a big difference between sweat and feces! If you're a mom, a dad, or just a blog lounger, please feel free to use this quote today and every day as it's always best to categorize your stenches. May you have sweat over feces in all you do today!


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