Friday, January 18, 2008

It's the walls-they talk!

This is the first year that both of my children are in school full time-FULL TIME-I SAID FULL TIME! Do you know what that means? That means that Monday thru Thursday from 8:15 to 3:15 and Fridays from 8:15 to 1:15 (the short day schedule, obviously created by a man) I AM ALONE!!!! I made it. I made it through colic, diapers, baby food, pacifiers, stair gates, outlet covers, bibs, pre-school, early intervention, speech classes, ot, more preschool-I stinkin' made it!! We have arrived at first and second grade and I have a total of 33 (there's those three's again) hours that I can fill lying naked, eating bon bons, and watching Days of our Lives! Ignore the visual. So, that when I was in tears by the end of the first week of my new found freedom-I didn't understand. I didn't qualify for MOPS anymore, all my friends had toddlers still at home, I kept shopping, spending money on crap to fill the time, I began checking the calorie count per serving on the bon bons, Steve came back on Days of Our Lives, and the laundry continued to pile up, but worse then before because I didn't have the energy to even look at it-it made me MAD! Everyone got to go somewhere every day except for me. I was stuck with mismatched socks and armpit stained undershirts. It was as if I was lying in wait to be summoned at 3:25 for homework help, the listening ear to who played with me, who didn't, the dinners, the piano lessons, soccer practice, Girl Scouts and then my spouse sauntering in just in time for bedtime (you like that, sauntering...I just switched to my 1850's voice in my head) and for us to take a breathe in time for me to just go to bed to do it again tomorrow? I was left behind and I didn't know what to do about it. My hubby asked how I was enjoying my days alone (the one thing I thought I wanted during those terrible two's and three's) and I burst into tears and blubbered out: It's the walls-they talk! It's so damn quiet and I have no purpose, no desire and then all of a sudden I have to show up when the three of you require my services? So, here I am. Me and the walls-they talked to me again this morning as I resigned myself to 3 more loads of laundry, but I turned the View up louder than them, grabbed a handful of Trix cereal, and got down to the mean and dirty business of sock matching. Here's to hoping that your walls are funnier than mine and if they're drab-paint them!


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