Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bacon in the Produce Aisle

I hate Wal-Mart. I hate the smiley face logo that bounces around, I hate the smell, the floors, (don't even get me started on the bathrooms!), but I LOVE the prices. So, yesterday when I trekked my family there in a Saturday food shopping frenzy, I couldn't find the 30 second microwavable bacon. You know the one, you love it (if you don't keep it to yourself). It's no thick sliced, applewood from Bobby Joe's farm, but it'll do in a pinch! So, as I'm wandering for what seemed like an eternity through every aisle, I can't find the darn bacon and then just as I am resigning myself to the fact that we'll have to go to one more store to find the stinkin' thing, I am buying my celery and I turn and there are not one, not two, but 3 displays on the endcaps of the fruit and vegetable holder thingy's, in bright yellow-BACON!!!! What in the world? Pork meets vegetarian? What happened-the produce guy smoked his breakfast, this was just NOT right!! So, in my glee of finding the stated box, I grabbed a couple and then looked closely at it and thought I'm the bacon! I feel like a fugitive here, like someone put me on the wrong aisle and then I thought, but wait, I just rescued these boxes from their displaced assignments, who is rescuing me? When I make a joke and instantly know the person receiving it didn't appreciate it and/or get it or when I make an effort to be with someone and it feels empty, like something is missing, when I look around and see beauty, but it's birthed from shallowness-I am the bacon in the produce aisle!!! You know what, God needs His celery too, and He'll find me-every day He meets me wherever I am and for that I am grateful!


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