Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Pillows

I don't know about you, but I grew up in a house where using the same pillows that great grandma so and so gave you at your wedding 20 years before was standard! So, when our house was full of company over the holiday's, I had drooled on, Lord only knows what stained on semblance of pillows to offer my company. Look, they're comfortable, they're there, you're coming to stay with me-it's what we have. Ok, no. So, in my fit of post shame as I washed their pillowcases after they left, I rebelled. I went and bought brand new, still in the package (not in the plastic from 1975), on sale of course pillows. Not just one, but 4!! Imagine my husband's surprise when he walked in and saw the stack of white just awaiting their covers! The excitement was overwhelming, the tension out of this world! We had NEW PILLOWS!!! All was bliss until we went to bed last night. What's wrong? They're new, they're hypoallergenic, they have clean cases on them! As we tossed and turned and giggled til I peed, for the life of us we could NOT get comfortable. The world had turned on its axis. We were out of sorts!!! New is not necessarily better and we ended up waking in a pool of sweaty discomfort from the chaotic episode of new pillows! It's no wonder we always used the same ones. New is over-rated and comfort is in, but we'll be doing our best to break them in! Could this same line of comfort versus new be applied to other aspects of life? You betcha! Friendships, jobs, school programs, life. New pillows may not be comfy at first, but after given a few nights they become the new faves. I think I'll give it a try!!


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