Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mini Cheer

I wasn't a fan of cheerleaders in high school. From the short skirts, to the fake smiles, to the plucked eyebrows. That wasn't my niche. In my experience they were rude, sometimes mean, and never approachable.
My baby is now 6. She came out of my womb squirming and has not stopped yet. I love to watch how she enters and exits a room. She either does a cartwheel, a new dance she's just made up, or skips. She doesn't rely on simple walking, the girlfriend moves!!! If I could figure out a way to market her energy I could put Red Bull out of business next week. This week they sent a flyer home announcing a mini cheer camp at the high school. Imagine my delight! They take kindergartner's through 9th graders, divide them into groups, and teach them a dance and cheer to perform at next weeks girls' basketball game between the two local, rival high schools (Riverton & Bingham and if you're local and you'd like to join us, the game starts at 6:30 on Thursday, she performs at around 7:30 at Bingham). When we got dressed for this thing yesterday morning, she had to have her Cheerleading t-shirt and her hair in what we have coined cheerleader hair (2 pig tails on the side). She has short hair so that was no simple feat! As she skipped her way to the front of the line to check in, she was so sure about herself. She was going alone (I had to make sure, of course, she would be watched, and not have strange lurking men around the school-after I got the paranoid mom seal of approval (AKA PMSA)), she wasn't clinging on to me, she gave me a hug and ran off to join her group. I tell this story in such detail because we have come so far. She has been unsure of herself, in her abilities, in her gifts, not wanting to leave me or my hubby's side, and I was so touched by the interdependence she displayed yesterday. She is maturing into what God wants her to be and even though I grew up not having the confidence to go for what interested me, that it's not the same for her. I feel like we have stopped the cycle of spirit squashers and have joined a new team. Whether it's soccer, spanish, art, or cheer, I am so grateful that we have been able to give her the freedom to explore, the freedom to fail, and she is the ULTIMATE cheerleader and who doesn't want to be cheered on? So, now I must rethink my cheerleader prejudices because I officially have one and I will be cheering her on from the bleachers, my little blondie go girl-go!


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