Friday, January 4, 2008


I don't think when I said "I do" that I truly realized the implication of those two tiny words. I do love you. I do want to be with you. That was pretty much the extent of my initial commitment at the courageous age of 19. Now looking back over the past 14 years, I am more stumped by the "I don'ts"! I don't want to get up at 3am to a yipping pup. I don't want to clean up the toilet when I wasn't the one to have a "Shat"ner experience (or after our week and a half of Christmas delights-a hamblow)! I don't want to call and talk to the doctor about the possibilities of roundworm in our kids. I don't want to get the tires rotated on the car. The list goes on and on. What I do want to do is be alone in quiet time with my spouse. Those tender moments of yesteryear are far behind and now when he actually moves when I push him out of bed (instead of ignoring me) I feel my heart swell. It may sound pathetic to some, but partnering with someone you love during the seasons of life is more of a turn on than rose petaled beds with chilled champagne. And as far as the hamblow-I'm calling Molly Maid!!


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