Friday, March 28, 2008


I'm not sure if Milton Bradley or Hasbro came up with the Sorry! game, but wow, they must've made millions off the concept of upsetting 6 year olds and husbands when you send their little translucent colored pieces back to their home! Yep, you guessed it, we had family game night tonight. It's been a while and we needed it, especially after the puppy fiasco. So, as we were picking the cards and little guys off the floor when the 6 year old "accidentally" knocked everything off the board, I thought to myself, I am having dejavu! Every generation must experience this kind of rite of passage game playing that continues to torcher and gratify us depending on our age. I won't mention any names (it starts with a "J"), but he actually accused me of cheating in front of the kids. The 8 year old thought that was hilarious and almost wet herself with laughter. The remaining puppy tried to eat the dropped pieces from the oops, my leg hit the board round. It was extreme and blissful chaos. I looked around at my family at one point and thought to myself, this is what my life is. A Sorry! game with crying and laughing and howling and spilled pieces on a Friday night. I am living large! I hope your weekend gives you that Titanic, "I'm on top of the world" feeling of gratitude. Maybe it's because I won!


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