Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sappy Saturday

My current baby (please refer to adoption blog) is 6. We've had a lot of firsts, but none as exciting as today. We should've videotaped it I know. She's our second and the novelty always seems to not be there anymore until the milestone is finished. She's crawled, walked, said goodbye to her sucky face, potty trained, gone to big girl preschool, and now first grade. Being that she's the youngest in her class, she's been asking me when, when mom will I have one come out? You guessed it-we're talking teeth. Well today it happened and as tears poured down her face everytime she let one of us wiggle it, that and the fact that her older sister kept following her around saying, "It's gonna hurt. Don't let her touch it. It's gonna hurt!", we finally managed to get the fossil like thing out. Note the new grin. Aaaah, you gotta love firsts and really (other than the bad lighting from the cell phone cam), does it get much cuter? Have a great weekend and may you experience a grin like this one!


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