Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Bone

This wonderfully huge shedding creature we have had for the last 5 and a half years, I have now decided has a life to be envied. Not only is he allowed (not vet recommended) to be obese, which to be fat and happy is sometimes something worth living for, but his schedule demands nothing of him. His large comfy bedding, courtesy of Grandma Linda posing as Santa, in his kennel big enough to fit both my kids is where he resides most of his doggy days. He does a little shake and yawn at 6:30 every morning, that's our alarm clock, and waits for his turn to be fed. He then stalks James or myself, whoever will stand still the longest (usually James, but I'm not judging) to get his morning walk down the block and back. He then walks in and finds the biggest patch of sunshine he can and you can see him circle around it in an attempt to find just the right sun bathing position. Does my hiney need a little warmth, ok yeah, right there....So, this morning, as I'm sweating my 10 minnah, you come in 10 minnah Chinese food off from last night, I hear this clunking come down the stairs. 110 pounds on 4 legs is hard on stairs, so I knew it was either Zeus or 5 toys getting thrown over the bannister, I was hoping for the first. Lo and behold, here comes this big ohf tumbling down with something in his mouth. At first I thought he found a My Little Pony, but hence no fur tail sticking out, and then I remembered I had given him a little bone stick 3 days ago! Where has that thing been? I asked out loud. He looked at me, did an eye roll and shoulder shrug (I think he's been watching the 6 year old) and proceeded to walk in and out of all the furniture, under the table, between end tables, between couches, and then I hear him walk down the hall to the girls' rooms. He's hiding his bone! This mongrel is looking for a new hiding spot for this little tiny, germ infested, bone! A few minutes later he walks up to me on the treadmill, mouth empty, as if to say Ah! Ha! I did it! And you can't find it! And then he turned around and found a new spot of sun and like an elephant or giraffe at the zoo, he laid down, yawned, and went to sleep. I want a bone darnnit! I want something so special I have to hide it from all others and when I do hide it I want to sleep with the same peacefulness that he had! Then I realized I have a bone. It's sitting on my dresser, there's another one in my car, and it's divided by New and Old. The difference is I don't want to hide it. I want it to eminate from me like Shrek's bad odor, but maybe more tastefully.
So, today, with the sun shining and my schedule on overload, per usual, I am now going to find my bone, brush it off, and spend time savoring it. May you find your bone today as well!
Cheers and Happy Thursday!


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