Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Missing the Ocean

I found this template today called the Harbor. My girls and I were talking about how much we miss living at the beach and I thought this was appropriate for a nice spring feel. First day of spring is tomorrow, we're supposed to get snow. That in and of itself is despressing. To add despair to the fun filled fruitcake of Utah, the girls have strep again and now we're talking tonselectomy. I can't even get the 8 year old to the dr without a mild panic attack, let alone to a hospital. I realize it's not the end of the world, am already bribing with popsicles.
Hoping your spring comes in like a lamb, but if it does, watch out for that lion, it apparently likes to eat lambs! It's a dog eat dog world and I'm wearing milkbone shorts! Cliff Claven, Cheers 198o something....I must be getting old. Am now quoting food network show celebrities that I used to laugh at as a child. Good Times....


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