Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday Lesson

We have now been in the house 4 days, 20 hours, and 32 minutes minus the diagnosis trip to the dr. Cabin fever has officially set in as I hobble from room to room trying to remember why I was out of bed to begin with. Girls are fed, still in jammies, wondering if we can risk attending Good Friday service at the risk of possible germ sharing and fever induction. Jury's still out. So, I switched the laundry as I was wandering through the house. The girls were doing their required reading and I was sending a few emails and heard this terrible noise. I got up, walked past the girls, and said "It sounds like there's rocks in the dryer." I checked it out for loose change, the mischievious wandering pen that somehow hops in there, and nothing. I restart it and walk away. The noise starts again and I sigh, not wanting to deal with it, I go and take each item out one by one. To my starry eyed surprsise, what did I find, a rock. But it wasn't any rock, it was the rock that Chloe decorated in Sunday School last week. I asked her if it was hers and she said, sorry mom I forgot it in my pocket, but it's ok, the tomb is empty. Indeed, the tomb is empty! They were asked to draw a picture of the empty tomb on one side of the rock and there's an empty cross on the other side. Rocks really were in our dryer, as they often are in life, but not to worry, the tomb is empty! Happy Good Friday!


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