Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Three's Strike Again

I thought I was done writing tonight-I was wrong. I forgot to talk about how Monday was March 3rd, 3/3 and that my total at Target on Sunday was 33.33. When the cashier told me that, I looked at her and said Of course it is. She said huh? I said of course my total is 33.33, that number is stalking me. It is stalking me and when I woke up Monday morning and realized the date, I got a shiver. I, in turn, thought that maybe it was a lucky number and immediately made plans for making more sales calls on a Monday than ever before. Of course, as all good things planned evolve, I made calls, but no one nibbled. The housekeeper showed up 3 hours early with me half naked (ignore the visual), the kids yelling mommy it's the door, mom answer the door, mom she's here, mom are you coming, mom get dressed, mom you forgot a boob, and the 110 pound white lab howling incessantly at the overrang bell that to the outsider looked and sounded like an earthquake drill in an under funded southern California public school. Chaos does not even describe the beginnings of my 3/3. I make it through the day, the kids have to be picked up from their day camp at what time? You guessed it, 3. I get there, one doesn't want to leave, the other one flops on the couch in the lobby yelling, it was too long mommy, it was too long, you were gone too long!! Let the guilt set in. So, I have errands I need to run and the yeller is bargaining for junk from the vending machine and I make them swear to make it through the errands if I get them a goodie. It works, until we're at the 3rd place to look for a doormat and the yeller finds another couch, I lost her, then she has to pee (or piss according to the 6 year old, who now has to have the Ivory soapshank threatened every time she says it). Pretty much the 3's took me full circle today and quite honestly I'm considering hiring a private detective to end this stalking. I need a new number.....


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