Saturday, April 26, 2008


As I'm thawing out from an extremely cold morning of sitting sideline cheering on my girls at their soccer games, I'm amazed at how capable, how big, and how talented they are. Rory scored her very first goal this morning and I'd have pictures, but it's that second kid syndrome. We didn't even have a cell phone to snap a shot. It went something like this.....Rory took on this other little kid, got the ball, kicked it up field, and scoooorrreee!! It was very exciting and when she got subbed out, we high fived her, and congratulated her. Her response is what puts me in a state of awe. It went something like, "I knew I could do it mom, I got my first goal. I run faster than that whole other team." I think the cocky part at the end is from her dad, but confidence like this at 6 is something that I don't remember having, especially in an athletic capacity. The neat thing is she has it in all aspects, school, sports, bible verses, crafts, etc. She knows she may not always be the best and recognizes when other people are good at something (that comes from me), but what impresses me is her ability to not be intimidated by those around her. You go girl! is what I kept shouting today! You go girl, that's my baby! Ok, I'm a little tearful now, I'd better stop dwelling, but darnnit these "firsts" are flying by us with lightening speed and I'm so grateful that God has entrusted us to raise this little blondie who never ceases to amaze me and remind me of what's truly important. BTW-she wants me to tell everyone they won, actually they creamed them 5 to 2, but who's counting?


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