Friday, April 25, 2008

What if Friday?

What if there really was no rice available?

What if every day were Earth Day?

What if tv went off the air or was made illegal and we all had to read to know what was going on?

What if we were chipped at birth like puppies and could be scanned?

What if that could be of use when we had too much to drink and were found with a roll of toilet paper in our hands wandering up and down our friends driveway mumbling something about having to use the bathroom?

What if clothes were disposable and therefore laundry would be a thing of the past?

What if American kids went to school Mon-Sat for 10 hrs a day, would we be the ones getting picketed to free Tibet?

What if those FLDS kids that are in foster homes learn what life could be like outside the compound?

What if there were no cell phones?

What if we had to order our meals in calories instead of by numbers?

What if we really are living in the Matrix? Did they have rice?


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