Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thoughtful/less Thursday

*Why does it snow in April in Utah?

*Why, when apparently this does happen, are there tank tops, shorts, and bathing suits for sale in our stores? Is it to tease us into thinking we MIGHT have 2 days of warm weather in a row?

*Why do people who live in a place where it snows 6 months out of the year buy the tiniest cars they can find....especially when the average family has 4 that to California, where the birth rate is similar to China and everyone's running people over with a miniature tank that has 4 wheel drive (just in never know)?

*Why do people forward emails that were forwarded to them and that's the only way you know they are alive, but rarely write their own thoughts and send them (you know who you are!)?

*What is up with NBC's All American Summer campaign? It reeks of desperately boring. NBC should stand for No Body Cares. Bad ratings anyone?

*What is up with Ellen Degeneres' obsession/countdown to David Beckham's appearance? I thought she didn't like men....maybe that's not true? Doubtful....

*When you're staring at a computer, typing, and someone walks in the room and starts to talk to you, why do they think you heard them?

*What is going on with Days of Our Lives? Will Patch cheat on Kayla with his psycho ex? Will Kayla actually give birth and will it be his? How did Sami have twins by 2 daddy's? Does she get 2 chicken sandwiches, one from each baby's daddy? That could ruin a Biggest Loser diet FOR sure!


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