Monday, April 7, 2008

Maniacal Monday

It snowed again today. We cried. I found myself screaming out the lyrics of Relient K's song High of 75 while on the treadmill. I can especially relate to the line "lately the weather has been so bipolar and consequently so have I". I sent my 6 year old to school (unknowingly) with a hole in the crotch of her pants today-going again for mother of the year. In addition, when I volunteered in the same kids class this morning, I had to apologize to the substitute for sending her on a lice hide-n-seek mission when one of the kids told me he pulled a bug out of his hair. I'm afraid of lice. I think the kid wanted to be sent to the office and have 3 administrator's go through his hair. He got to miss centers. I think he may be smarter than I am. I also realized that a mixture of sweat and melting snow had re-arranged my hairline while I was speaking to the substitute about how no bugs were in this boys hair. So much wetness absorbed that it had glued my bangs in one huge parcel to one side of my forehead creating a crater sized view of my balding scalp. Good times....My dizziness didn't start until 2 today. For that I'm grateful, I'd like it to go away permanently, but then that would be normal. I think I should re-title this True Confessions and wait to post it on Tuesday. TCT anyone?


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