Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Saran Wrap

In just looking at this title, I instantly get an image of the movie Fried Green Tomatoes when she wraps herself in it to sweat off her weight. Trust me, at times, I've considered it as a weight loss solution, but am afraid of getting stuck (and the meth seems to be doing the trick). Making sure you're paying atttention. So, back to the plastic. I ran out of Saran Wrap in the middle of my Bunco prep this afternoon. I thought, oh no, I hope I have more. So, I checked the cupboard, I did, but it was the GLAD Cling Wrap. At the time I was grateful to have more.....that is until I tried to open it. Do the fine folks at GLAD really want us to use their wrap or do they think it will be a nice club to go kill our dinner with......a futuristic light saber maybe? I'm not sure. There is no stinkin beginning to this thing. It is one mass of wrinkled plastic on a cardboard stick!!! I tried to find a seam, there was none. I had to make my own seam, which then lead to grunting and yanking and teeth gnashing trying to get the thing started. I now know that hell for me would consist of a roll of GLAD Cling Wrap that never unraveled! I did finally get it started, but it was smack dab in the middle of the roll. I am now using half the roll and hope to use the other half after this half runs out. Thanks GLAD for producing such an easy to use modern invention. Much appreciated.

I began to think of getting started on certain things in my own life. Take weight loss for instance or making daily devotion time. I get all gung-ho, excited about a new devotion book or a new menu plan and I find myself so excited that I jump start myself until I'm in it, right smack dab in the middle of it. Maybe over my head (like so many jobs I've taken) and then what do I do, I begin to half-ass it. I put half of my energies into it, getting the same production value that I have out of my plastic wrap roll. The hope is that the other half is still there, in wait for its seam to be found and to be used. That is my prayer this afternoon, with all my cramps, PMS attitude, and stress of the prep for a night with friends that my other half (the kind, easy going, able to juggle with a smile slapped on my face) would be found and used this next week. I know that would make those around me very GLAD!

And note to time I think I'll use foil...


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