Saturday, April 12, 2008

Water Stand

Well, we finally had a warm, sunny afternoon. Both girls had soccer games today and the 6 year old went to a super fun luau birthday party. This fun lead to more outdoor sidewalk chalk art in the driveway with scootering galore. This then lead to thirst. Thirst then became a sales pitch that our neighborhood took part in-
The Icy Cold Water Stand for 25 cents (or a quarter according to the 8 year old).
Solo Dixie cups-$1.00
Green Sign shut into the lid of a dirty cooler-5 cents
Blue Pitcher of Ice Water with bits of dirt from the outside playing-FREE
Hearing your daughters throw sales pitches to a realtor attempting to sell a house across the street-PRICELESS!!
Enjoy the first taste test! It was so tasty they got tipped twice:)


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