As I'm thawing out from an extremely cold morning of sitting sideline cheering on my girls at their soccer games, I'm amazed at how capable, how big, and how talented they are. Rory scored her very first goal this morning and I'd have pictures, but it's that second kid syndrome. We didn't even have a cell phone to snap a shot. It went something like this.....Rory took on this other little kid, got the ball, kicked it up field, and scoooorrreee!! It was very exciting and when she got subbed out, we high fived her, and congratulated her. Her response is what puts me in a state of awe. It went something like, "I knew I could do it mom, I got my first goal. I run faster than that whole other team." I think the cocky part at the end is from her dad, but confidence like this at 6 is something that I don't remember having, especially in an athletic capacity. The neat thing is she has it in all aspects, school, sports, bible verses, crafts, etc. She knows she may not always be the best and recognizes when other people are good at something (that comes from me), but what impresses me is her ability to not be intimidated by those around her. You go girl! is what I kept shouting today! You go girl, that's my baby! Ok, I'm a little tearful now, I'd better stop dwelling, but darnnit these "firsts" are flying by us with lightening speed and I'm so grateful that God has entrusted us to raise this little blondie who never ceases to amaze me and remind me of what's truly important. BTW-she wants me to tell everyone they won, actually they creamed them 5 to 2, but who's counting?
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
What if Friday?
What if there really was no rice available?
What if every day were Earth Day?
What if tv went off the air or was made illegal and we all had to read to know what was going on?
What if we were chipped at birth like puppies and could be scanned?
What if that could be of use when we had too much to drink and were found with a roll of toilet paper in our hands wandering up and down our friends driveway mumbling something about having to use the bathroom?
What if clothes were disposable and therefore laundry would be a thing of the past?
What if American kids went to school Mon-Sat for 10 hrs a day, would we be the ones getting picketed to free Tibet?
What if those FLDS kids that are in foster homes learn what life could be like outside the compound?
What if there were no cell phones?
What if we had to order our meals in calories instead of by numbers?
What if we really are living in the Matrix? Did they have rice?
Posted by Susan Nelson at 12:20 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Thoughtful/less Thursday
*Why does it snow in April in Utah?
*Why, when apparently this does happen, are there tank tops, shorts, and bathing suits for sale in our stores? Is it to tease us into thinking we MIGHT have 2 days of warm weather in a row?
*Why do people who live in a place where it snows 6 months out of the year buy the tiniest cars they can find....especially when the average family has 4 that to California, where the birth rate is similar to China and everyone's running people over with a miniature tank that has 4 wheel drive (just in never know)?
*Why do people forward emails that were forwarded to them and that's the only way you know they are alive, but rarely write their own thoughts and send them (you know who you are!)?
*What is up with NBC's All American Summer campaign? It reeks of desperately boring. NBC should stand for No Body Cares. Bad ratings anyone?
*What is up with Ellen Degeneres' obsession/countdown to David Beckham's appearance? I thought she didn't like men....maybe that's not true? Doubtful....
*When you're staring at a computer, typing, and someone walks in the room and starts to talk to you, why do they think you heard them?
*What is going on with Days of Our Lives? Will Patch cheat on Kayla with his psycho ex? Will Kayla actually give birth and will it be his? How did Sami have twins by 2 daddy's? Does she get 2 chicken sandwiches, one from each baby's daddy? That could ruin a Biggest Loser diet FOR sure!
Posted by Susan Nelson at 5:42 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Today was an insane day schedule wise, tomorrow promises more of the same. So, after a short day at school, a hair cut, a quick trip to Target, a coffee date, dental appts, and Carl's Jr playland for dinner my 8 year old was at her max. So much so that as we're racing to get shin guards and cleats on for soccer practice, she's in the back seat talking about how bad her stomach hurts. She keeps saying it over and over until I threaten to turn the car around and go back home. She insists she's fine and I tell her if it still hurts when we get home I'll give her some children's Mylanta. What? she says. I say again Mylanta. She says, mom you know I can't take yours or other people's medicine. I tell her it's not mine, it's the name of the medicine. She says I know it's the name, but you said it's yours and I can't take it. Her sister even got in on it saying the name of the pill is not Lanta, it's Mylanta. The 8 year old again retorted, I can't take your medicine either Rory!!! Now frustrated tears were beginning to form as I tried to explain that it wasn't anyone's Lanta or anyone else's medicine. This classic who's on first? conversation got me to the point of laughter that I couldn't see to drive. In her frustration, she finally yelled at me, it's not funny mom, I know it's yours and I can't take it. Geez Louise!!! There you have it, it's not My-Lanta, it's now Her-Lanta, or Your-Lanta. Whatever you call it, the stuff works! Misunderstandings are a part of all relationships and even though her feelings were hurt since her all knowing mother was visibly crying with laughter at her insistence (mother of the year nomination ONCE AGAIN) that she couldn't take My-Lanta, I'm appreciative that she felt safe enough in our relationship to express herself and that even though she figured out when I showed her the name on the box of meds, that it was ok to have a chuckle at her expense. If only some grown ups I know (myself included) could be so graceful and accepting at times of misunderstandings....aaah, a world of Mylanta, creamy mint tasting rivers of ecstasy.
Posted by Susan Nelson at 7:38 PM 0 comments
Characters of Urgent Care
"Thank you for calling After Hours First Care, this is Sadie" is how my night began last night. Ummmm yeah, How late are you guys open and do you have an X-ray machine on site? I replied. And we're off. Girls out of the shower, scantily clad nighties (when did the 8 yr old get so tall her night gown barely covers her bottom?). Put on your robes, I shouted, we're going to the Urgent Care. I was girl down. Excruciating pain in my left elbow accompanied with headache, neckache, earache, you name it-it ached. Me and my medical degree had been googling my symptoms for most of the afternoon to the point of convincing myself I was having a heart attack. That, then lead to an outrageously hyperventilating session of panic onset with the 110 pound lab howling at me to breathe. Big Game was of course running late from work and when I finally did speak to him, he told me to call the dr. I did. And through tears of anxiety driven emotion, he finally said to me, you could have gout (isn't that an 1850's disease?) or gastroentinitis. Ok, well then, as the pains shot through some more and my hubby loudly telling me why do we have insurance then, just go, the girls and I piled into the Armada and I politely turned the movie on and asked them not to talk to me. We arrive, we check in, we're told 45 minutes, relax. You relax first Sadie, I thought. She was actually a very nice girl, very Utah. This time allowed me to survey my surroundings. There was the little boy brought in by his dad with some kind of feverish red cheeks and a cough. He was sitting right by the fish tank, which of course my girls wanted to look at, and I'm sure some germs were exchanged in that process! There was the lady holding her back (whose husband didn't lock the door when he went to the bathroom and I walked in on later, but I digress), another lady with a hobble, and then in walks Grandpa Joe with his grandson whose grand entrance included loudly pointing to Hot Sadie at the front desk and in an "I've survived WW2 so I can talk as loud as I want to voice" he tells his grandson, she's too young for me and too old for you, isn't that a shame? Why yes it is Grandpa Joe. Grandson Bobby was mortified or turned on, I couldn't tell. As 45 minutes turned into a 2 hour wait, I saw a very prego lady enter, some teenager with her mom (probably a case of mono), and another boy with his dad. It looked like football injury day at the urgent care. The pregger changed chairs so she wouldn't have to watch Grandpa Joe wolf down an Astroburger while trying to blow his nose without vomiting. I, of course, had a grandstand seat across from him the entire time. He began to grow on me, similar to a wart. He truly cared about his grand-boy and was proud his chin was split open by number 88 and told him through a french fry chew, he'd have to learn to be tougher. By the end of my stay in the waiting area, he had me convinced. It must have been a full moon, I don't know, but I could relate to Grandson Bobby's mortification when the dr looked at me like I had 8 heads as he diagnosed me with tennis elbow and a sinus infection. Good times Dr. Sean. I felt like an idiot, told him about the googling, and he asked me if I'd like some prozac. Welcome to Utah, where Prozac can be distributed by your Starbucks Barista as you await your double tall Machiatto. I told him no, I'd take Xanax instead. His bald head winked at me when he laughed. No, really. As my elbow aches in typing this I think of those I spent last night with and smile. We're all connected, we're all the same. Hot Sadie, Nurse newly married with the shiny ring, and Dr. Sean. Thank you urgent care for leaving the light on and good luck with number 88 next time grandson Bobby. Be well.
Posted by Susan Nelson at 9:03 AM 1 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
I've Been Tagged
I've Been Tagged!!
I was tagged by Kate Borders.
What I was doing 10 years ago: I was working at J. Morita USA selling dental supplies to dentists over the phone. It was just James & I-we were living in a townhome in Tustin, CA
Five things on my to do list today:
1. Exercise
2. Library
3. Blockbuster
4. Locate soccer uniforms-check for cleanliness
5. Homework projects with girls
Snacks that I enjoy:
Cookies, Poppables, Creamsicles, French Bread (is that a snack?), Frozen Yogurt
What would do if I were a billionaire:
Complete makeover (body & clothing)
Setup a foundation to allow for $1000 adoptions
Buy homes big enough for my mom, sis, and us in areas we enjoyed living and could work
Buy a tropical island from Donald Trump
Buy a radio and TV station that would allow me on-air rights on a whim
Three of my bad habits:
1. Thinking I don't have any
2. Germ issues
3. Handwashing to the point of chafing (OCD-you don't know me!)
Places I have lived:
Donnelson, Tn-Anderson, IN-Sanford, MI-Albion, MI-Erie, PA-Hemet, CA-Goodwell, OK-Valley Center, KS-Riverside, CA-Portland, OR-Tustin, CA-Corona, CA-Anaheim Hills, CA-Carmel Mtn Ranch, CA-Huntington Beach, CA-Yorba Linda, CA-Clinton, UT-South Jordan, UT
Jobs I have had:
Babysitter, Pizzamaker, Sears PBX operator, Terminix CSR, BSB CS Manager, Ashland Chemical CSR, J. Morita Sales Rep, Data Entry for some company I can't remember the name of, Avon, Partylite, Heartbar, Target, Vons, Pink Package, MediaOne Advertising Sales
Five people I want to know more about:
No one reads my blog, but if you do and want to comment, this is a highly recommended therapeutic exercise and I'd love to know!
Posted by Susan Nelson at 1:08 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Saran Wrap
In just looking at this title, I instantly get an image of the movie Fried Green Tomatoes when she wraps herself in it to sweat off her weight. Trust me, at times, I've considered it as a weight loss solution, but am afraid of getting stuck (and the meth seems to be doing the trick). Making sure you're paying atttention. So, back to the plastic. I ran out of Saran Wrap in the middle of my Bunco prep this afternoon. I thought, oh no, I hope I have more. So, I checked the cupboard, I did, but it was the GLAD Cling Wrap. At the time I was grateful to have more.....that is until I tried to open it. Do the fine folks at GLAD really want us to use their wrap or do they think it will be a nice club to go kill our dinner with......a futuristic light saber maybe? I'm not sure. There is no stinkin beginning to this thing. It is one mass of wrinkled plastic on a cardboard stick!!! I tried to find a seam, there was none. I had to make my own seam, which then lead to grunting and yanking and teeth gnashing trying to get the thing started. I now know that hell for me would consist of a roll of GLAD Cling Wrap that never unraveled! I did finally get it started, but it was smack dab in the middle of the roll. I am now using half the roll and hope to use the other half after this half runs out. Thanks GLAD for producing such an easy to use modern invention. Much appreciated.
I began to think of getting started on certain things in my own life. Take weight loss for instance or making daily devotion time. I get all gung-ho, excited about a new devotion book or a new menu plan and I find myself so excited that I jump start myself until I'm in it, right smack dab in the middle of it. Maybe over my head (like so many jobs I've taken) and then what do I do, I begin to half-ass it. I put half of my energies into it, getting the same production value that I have out of my plastic wrap roll. The hope is that the other half is still there, in wait for its seam to be found and to be used. That is my prayer this afternoon, with all my cramps, PMS attitude, and stress of the prep for a night with friends that my other half (the kind, easy going, able to juggle with a smile slapped on my face) would be found and used this next week. I know that would make those around me very GLAD!
And note to time I think I'll use foil...
Posted by Susan Nelson at 2:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Water Stand

Posted by Susan Nelson at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Colored Pieces of Foil
Our housecleaner came yesterday. I hope she truly grasps the positive impact she has on our family. With that said, all floors were clean when we got home yesterday afternoon. So much so that by the girls' bedtime, I had started to notice litter of some sort scattered all through the upstairs, down the stairs, into the basement. It was tiny pieces of colored foil, all bright and shiny. I would see one, then another, then another. You know the kind. They come on all the milk chocolate Easter candy every year. I had found so many that I decided to check the bowl they were supposed to be in. Alas, not one in there. I know I hadn't devoured, I double checked with Big Game, he insisted no, so that left only one other person who could have possibly cleared out the bowl and left a crime ridden trail behind-the 8 year old. I felt like Goldilocks on the hunt for the comfiest bed, but alas my quest turned more into a game of whodunit Clue. I go to get the 8 year old out of bed and ask, "Did you clear out the bowl of candy upstairs?" She said with a smile, "No mom, I didn't." I said don't lie, mommy's always find out. She laughingly said, "Really?" Yep. So, I tuck her back in and say to her if she doesn't tell the truth she will lose her tickets, but if she does tell me the truth she will only need to apologize. Then I hear this, "Hey, what's this all about?" come from her sister's room. What? The professor with the candlestick in the parlor? The 6 year old hopped out of bed and said again "Hey, what are you asking her mom?" I explained the situation, she immediately clammed up. She hadn't been an original suspect since she can't have wheat or dairy and these were MILK chocolates that were feasted on. She got nervous, did a little pee pee dance, and I said "Did YOU eat the candies?" Her response was "What is my consequence if I did?" Wow, she's smart. She ended up confessing, her tummy had a bloated sickly feeling all night, and I solved the case of the missing foil wrapped candies. She lost a ticket for each candy she took-I estimated 7. She replied, "I have way more than 7 tickets, go ahead." Powerplay 101-never show all your cards to your opponent. Who's training who? At times I don't know, but as I continue to find little pieces of colored foil I am grateful that she came forward and at least didn't hang her sister out to dry. Not sure if I would have done the same at her age or even now.....ok, now I would, but at 6, ask my sister.
Posted by Susan Nelson at 7:49 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
Maniacal Monday
It snowed again today. We cried. I found myself screaming out the lyrics of Relient K's song High of 75 while on the treadmill. I can especially relate to the line "lately the weather has been so bipolar and consequently so have I". I sent my 6 year old to school (unknowingly) with a hole in the crotch of her pants today-going again for mother of the year. In addition, when I volunteered in the same kids class this morning, I had to apologize to the substitute for sending her on a lice hide-n-seek mission when one of the kids told me he pulled a bug out of his hair. I'm afraid of lice. I think the kid wanted to be sent to the office and have 3 administrator's go through his hair. He got to miss centers. I think he may be smarter than I am. I also realized that a mixture of sweat and melting snow had re-arranged my hairline while I was speaking to the substitute about how no bugs were in this boys hair. So much wetness absorbed that it had glued my bangs in one huge parcel to one side of my forehead creating a crater sized view of my balding scalp. Good times....My dizziness didn't start until 2 today. For that I'm grateful, I'd like it to go away permanently, but then that would be normal. I think I should re-title this True Confessions and wait to post it on Tuesday. TCT anyone?
Posted by Susan Nelson at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
April Fool's
The biggest prank we're experiencing today is that it's actually spring here in Utah. We had snow again yesterday and as I slid on the sidewalk catching myself on a stranger's car, I caught myself cursing Mother Nature as a fickle beast and visions of palm trees and ocean waves passed through my last thoughts before I almost hit the ground. It was a delight and a lady pulling into a parking spot just about out loud giggled at my acrobatic stunt as she got out of her car. So, this morning when I was awoken to, "Hey mom my teacher said you don't have to volunteer in the class this morning." I was relieved! Then, there was this big gap grinned smile dancing around saying, "April Fools, April Fools!" I was hoping she was speaking truth. So happy April Fools to all and may your pranks be like a 2nd grader in a sugar induced coma.
Posted by Susan Nelson at 7:45 AM 0 comments