Tuesday, September 16, 2008


No this isn't the usual texting acronym.....this is Bare Floor From Flood. The UDK found mold under the giganto entryway and the super ugly, but apparently most expensive laminate squares have been removed and we've been looking at the bare concrete floor for over a week now. With that comes lots of thoughts, most having to be curbed by $1000 grace, but what we decided to do was before they put down the new flooring was to have the kids write down people or things close to them that they pray for and James and I wrote some of our favorite scriptures and thoughts. This is a little sampling of what evolved.
Since I can't figure out how to get the text above the pictures, I'll explain. Vixie is Chloe's first cool thing from her new school (http://www.providencehall.com/), she's a snail. She actually killed the first one, but took it to her teacher, who kindly fibbed, said she sprinkled some water on it and tada...new Vixie! Gotta love not crushing spirits teaching techniques!
Steven Curtis Chapman's 5 year old daughter was tragically killed by his son (http://www.stevencurtischapman.com/) and we've been following and praying for the family as we follow their journey on KLOVE (http://www.klove.com/).
The gentleman we hired to put in our small fence got a blood clot in his leg and lung, almost met his maker, and Rory apparently heard all the conversations and it was on her mind. She said she prayed for him and wants him under our flooring (not literally, just his story)!
I love that all of these things will be part of the foundation of this building we are so grateful to call home AND I love how the fam came together to focus on how we can make a not so fun situation into an opportunity to bond!


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