Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wide Eyes Open-4am

What is the deal? I went to bed late and exhausted from a day of kid, kid, kid, work, kid, kid, kid. Why am I awake at 4am with no hopes of getting back to sleep? I have no idea, so I start to pray. I can't even keep my mind still long enough to form a thought to pray. Then I start to pray that my mind will be still. Then I forget that, apologize to the Big Guy for my inability to stay in the moment and hop out of bed for some water. Apparently ice water doesn't soothe ones innards to go night-night. In fact, now I am wondering how I will survive this Wide Eyed Wednesday on little to no sleep. Not ONE of my children, dogs, or husbands are awake (I know I typed husbands in the is the compound and always keep 'em guessin'). So, I write....I order a pair of shoes (insomniacs must be broke), I work, I read my email, I try to solve world peace and created a new business idea. What's next? Coffee I say...lots and lots of coffee and possibly a round of sweat on the treadmill...if I don't collapse in pure exhaustion on my walk back to my room. Crud-I just heard a noise....big house, big noise....dodododo (insert creepy movie soundtrack here). In case noise comes after me, I love you all and I better click the publish button so my last bit of craziness can change the world in print form. Oh Happy Day!


Jenn said...

I better hear from you soon so I know the boogie man didn't come get you!!!
SMILE and have a good day!!!

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