Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Who Doesn't Love a Good Tagging?

I am random enough to fulfill this tagging, but unfortunately since I am a loud mouth there's not much people don't know about me....BUT we can see what I can come up with....thanks Kate/Kathy/Kathleen-K-cubed....I am tagging Jenn Blake, Melinda Earhart, Traci Armstrong (would you start blogging again already?), Heather Fehrenbach, Tina Gullberg, Staci Medendorp (have you moved? please BLOG soon!!), Shannon Ledford, Angie Chadwick, Joann McGowan, and Jodi Carcamo.

1. I LOVE Judge Alex....don't judge me.

2. I have been gluten and dairy free since May and miss eating real pizza.

3. I have always wanted to visit Vermont.

4. In college, I had a land turtle named Mandy that I gave to a girlfriends 6 year old who promptly lost it in the woods...rest in peace Mandy.

5. I was going to be a pediatric oncologist and got into the University of California pre-pre-med program and was "all in" until I walked into Biology lab and had to kill and dissect a frog. I was good with dissecting, it was the killing thing that got me...that and it was an 8am class and really those should be outlawed in college.

6. I was pick-pocketed while dancing in a club in Tijuana.

7. I ate Taco Bell bean burritos with mild sauce through both my pregnancies and neither one of my girls will eat them now...btw, for obvious reasons, I exceeded all weight expectations-off the charts...I knew I was an over achiever, but I would have loved to achieved normalcy on this one!


Unknown said...

Those are great - way better than mine! So fun - thanks!!

Love ya,

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