Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Grey's Anatomy Rant

I realize today is election day and everyone is wrapped up with their moral and ethical voting duty and now glued to cnn, fox, or comedy central for the latest update. I am in my too small "Advocate Mom" shirt with my lovehandles hanging out and my paris ooh laa laa jammy bottoms with open bags of Captain Crunch cereal and Nestle Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips...enough said. All week my girls asked me who I was going to vote for, all week I told them I don't know and then when I grabbed my last registration notice I realized that I forgot to update my address. CRAP!!! I called the office, they said it would be a provisional vote and may or may not be counted. Where are my brain cells, did the 6 month old take them all or will anything of value be found when the fog clears? POSSIBLY THE BIGGEST ELECTION OF THE CENTURY AND MY VOTE MIGHT NOT COUNT?? Whatever....

So then since I am tired of watching the election that I may not have a voice in anyway, I say to my cold suffering hubby-let's see whats on the DVR. We do...it's Grey's Anatomy from last week and the opening scene is the lesbian wannabe drs and one of them is describing how she is so gay. Then, my 7 year old walks in the room and I have NO idea how long she's been there. What in the world? I remember the worst thing we couldn't watch on tv as kids was Married with Children and now Peg Bundy is playing the "old lady" of a biker bad boy leader in Sons of Anarchy. What is going to be on tv when my kids are thirtysomething? As if the lesbian gone bad scene wasn't enough, then pigs got stabbed, and a 10 yr olds organs got laid out and frozen. I paused it to grab the snacks (Wilbur getting stabbed was more than I could handle without chocolate) and haven't seen the end, but why can't I look away? I went to a state university...I'm not naive to the whole "experimenting" of college (not that I tried it), but I just don't know why the writers had to take it there. I am not surprised, I'm a little disgusted and I know I don't have to watch, but McDreamy and McSteamy draw me in weekly. It sucks to be middle aged and have a favorite show turn too naughty and then you have to bore others by ranting about it....I hope Wilbur lives....


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