Monday, May 12, 2008

Top 10 Great and Not so Great Things About Hotel Living

10. Paper thin walls that allow me to hear the guy next door coughing (and doing other things I can't post about).
9. USA today for free every morning.
8. Flat screen tv in room (it's pathetic when the morning paper ranks lower than the tv)
7. Microwave
6. Mini-Fridge
5. Awesome Air Conditioning
4. The mini coffee maker that supposedly makes 4 cups of coffee, but I can apparently throw it down in 2.
3. Fitness center that I started out doing for an hour, but now Esther wakes up 30 minutes into it screaming...
2. Breakfast (including fresh delivered breakfast burritos) served from 6 to 9am, which I'm racing to get to at 8:59 after a rough all nighter.
1. Housekeeper named Maria who brings me extra bags to seal up my banana peels and Esther's poops so she doesn't gag when she comes in every morning. God Bless Maria!


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