Saturday, May 10, 2008

3's Strike Yet Again

So, if any of you have had a chance to check in with my blogs as of late, you will notice I have removed the link to our fundraiser. We have decided to no longer pursue it and want to thank each and every one of you that supported our growing our family through this adoption fundraiser. If you have read the adoption blog, you already know that we have a new baby girl, Esther Marley, and she is GORGEOUS! I will be posting pictures as soon as I get back home, we aren't sure when that will be. I have to write about this number 3 thing as it pertains to not only growing our family to 3 beautiful girls at the age of 33, but I want to be able to print this off for her baby book since when we picked her up she was exactly 3 weeks and 3 days old. Not only that, but after we left the hotel room where we met her and the social workers and signed off on all the paperwork, I asked James to pray a prayer of thanksgiving and protection over little Esther in the parking lot. It was THE sweetest, most loving prayer I have ever heard, and I wish I would have recorded it. The point is that after we got her settled in the little infant car seat, we pulled out of the parking lot at exactly, you guessed it-3:33pm. What is the deal with these 3's? I love seeing where they'll pop up next...I'll keep you posted if they come in extreme form again.....


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