Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Stick

Don't panic-this isn't my stick! I received this picture on my phone in the middle of watching 27 Dresses by a VIP in my life. She looks like me, but thinner and has cute dimples and less moles. She's younger than me and a little more serious about things, but has a great sense of humor. And now she's having a baby. We've decided we will refer to this fetus as our niecephew until we know the sex. This is great news and great excitement and is their first and I'm finally not the only making babies in the family! Did I mention we're excited? It's bittersweet (in a different way than saying goodbye to an old purse), but kind of the same. It's the loss of childhood, for both of us and the beginning of a new part of womanhood. It's me having the privilege to have a different role, one of aunt, in addition to the always enjoyable one of sister. It's sisterhood in the deepest of terms and any of you mommies would agree with me, life will never be the same! So, lift your glass (or your kids sippy cup) and join me in offering a toast to me being an aunty and let's hope someone gets a redhead out of the bunch! Cheers Sis and Congratulations!


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