Sunday, October 12, 2008

Blind Dog

This is the view this morning at 7am as I stumbled to let the dogs in. The first snow of the season. It seems that the Utah way is to skip a season in between. For example, last week we were almost 90, today's high will be 38 (if we're lucky). Sore throats be darned, winter is here. We had to scramble yesterday to even find long sleeve shirts and some semblance of a coat. BUT it is beautiful and the kids screamed in the yard of the compound as they ran out in their pj's (don't judge) and the 100 pound lab was trying to eat it all. He may have an eating disorder (again, don't judge). So, when I finally got the courage to open the sliding glass door to the arctic wind to let the dogs in, we had a problem. The 7 pound Maltipom was having waaay too much fun....or so I thought. She wouldn't come to me and as she ran to the wrong porch steps, into the concrete, to my horror I realized she couldn't see! She has CLUMPS of snow stuck to her fur that made for an unsightly blinder! The poor baby was BLIND! By the way, her hearing must not be too great either because it took her a long time to get her bearings and follow my voice. I now know how little dogs don't survive in the wilderness....frosty the snowballs disorient them as they keep trying to scrape the clumps off, more gather. Not the smartest Maltese in the Pom....but we don't judge and a good warm bath did just the trick. She may be scarred for life and we may need to pull her hair in a pony tail before her next trek. Aaaah, the joys of snow....


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