Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sponge Bob Scary Pants?

Well, we are one week into this whole recovery from tonsil surgery thing and as I pinch myself to make sure I'm still a viable human, I can hear the 88th episode of Spongebob blaring in the basement. When the girls were little and all their little playmates in California would watch Spongebob, I was adamant-absolutely not! NO Spongebob anything, not even gifts (similar to my current claim on Bratz dolls and Hannah Montana, although they sometimes watch her show now, but I won't buy her products-little girls hardly have a chance to be little and enjoy being girls, let alone dressing them as young women...I digress and I'm not judging anyone who enjoys these things for their kids, this is just our perspective...again, digression). Back to Spongebob. So, as I'm sweating off my gluten free, high sodium dinner of last night, I begin to pay attention to this Spongebob phenomena and I heard the word Stupid at least 5 times and there was some pirate ghost thing that kept turning into other creatures, it looked like a horror cartoon, no wonder I outlawed back in the day. I asked the 8 year old if she thought it was scary and she hoarsely replied I've seen it before mom. Well, that didn't answer my question, but since words and swallowing are scarce I left it at that and refilled the Gatorade fridge. So, as they are apparently reveling in the face of unlimited cartoons, popsicles, and electrolytes in their hydrocodone haze, I think about how far we've come. No longer toddlers, but Spongebob watchers I have. Not that I'm convinced as to its value, but sometimes tonsillectomy survival comes in the shape of a square.....


Anonymous said...


I laughed when I read this because I was having the exact same thoughts yesterday. I also did not allow my boys to watch this cartoon when they were younger, but when we moved here and "everyone" was watching it including their much younger cousins I relented. I was remembering all this when I kept hearing the word idiot on the show. I have also heard my precious innocent boys say this word as well! UGG!

Well, anyway you need to keep the cartoons coming while they are healing. Maybe they aren't catching much in their drug/pain induced haze.


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